

I found that in life the passions that drove us as children will eventually circle back around to us. If you are lucky, those passions will reemerge ten fold with a driving force you won't be able to ignore. This has proven true in my life with my love of photography.

My father, an art gallery and custom framing business owner, shot with a Canon AE-1 that my brother and I used to fight over when we were children. I can remember countless hours I used to spend with that camera. When I arrived to high school my favorite place was undoubtedly the darkroom where I learned the fundamentals of photography. Developing film was my absolute favorite time of day. My ambitions to continue photography after being accepted into Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara was hailed to a short stop with the disapproval of my father. I obediently pursued a BSBA as he wished but little that my father knew, I majored in photo journalism for my first year in college and once again, that came to a sudden halt.

Life moved on and throughout my twenties - I drilled, explored, and exploited crude oil in Texas as Vice President of Operations for Andalucia Oil Co., an independent oil and gas company. Thereafter, I served as Director of Site Acquisitions for a hotel development company, Landmark Consolidated while never touching a camera for over 10 years.

Now, in my thirties and having left behind the corporate world; I have learned that like all matters of the heart, you should follow it. I found that photography gives me a sense of joy and accomplishment that trumps all my previous professional experiences and the best part of it is, is that I get to share it with you.

I sincerely hope to meet you soon. I am confident that you will be pleased with the experience of a professional photography shoot. I'll be seeing you. Hopefully through a lens.

Yours Truly,

Daniel Nguyen